Goopy Galette

I know this title doesn't sound too appetizing. We were having a dinner party with some of hubby's old friends, and something inspired me to do a galette instead of a pie. A galette is basically a pie with free form dough wrapped around the fruit - no pie plate. Before I embarked on this whole pie thing, I did mostly galettes. For this occasion it seemed easier, I was going to need to do 2 crusts for the fruit pie if I didn't do a galette and I was limited on time.
Galette crust (from Deborah Madison)
- 2 c flour
- 1/2 t salt
- 1 T sugar
- 12 T butter
- 1/3 to 1/2 c ice water as necessary
I made this a plum apple galette. I took about 3 apples and a pint of italian plum, mixed it with 3/4 c sugar and 1/4 c flour and 1 t cinammon. Then I placed it in the middle of the galette circle and wrapped the edges. I then cooked it for about 45 mins in a 400 oven.
I call it goopy galette because the fruit juices burst through the crust, ran off my edgeless cookie sheet and COATED the oven in goop. The end result was very tasty. However the galette crust itself was not as easy as imagined. I definitely want to try it more often.